
Zahnaufhellung Türkei: Strahlendes Lächeln ab 175 £

Erleben Sie professionelle Zahnaufhellung in der Türkei ab 175 £. Unsere erstklassigen Behandlungen garantieren ein strahlendes Lächeln ohne versteckte Kosten. Jetzt mehr erfahren!

Dr. Fikri Can Ayık


Dental Doctor in Turkey

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Why Do Teeth Stain?

Teeth can lose their natural whiteness for a number of reasons:

  1. Dietary Choices: Consuming beverages like coffee, tea, and red wine can stain your teeth over time.
  2. Tobacco Use: Smoking or chewing tobacco can lead to yellowish teeth.
  3. Aging: As we age, the outer enamel layer gets thinner, revealing the naturally yellow dentin beneath.
  4. Certain Medications: Some medicines can cause teeth discoloration as a side effect.
  5. Poor Dental Care: Inadequate brushing and flossing can lead to staining.

Teeth Whitening Treatments in Turkey

How to Whiten Teeth? The Whole Process Unveiled

Teeth whitening, a popular cosmetic procedure, seeks to restore a brighter and more youthful smile. So, how is it done?

  1. Consultation: The journey starts with a consultation at a dental clinic. Here, the dentist evaluates your dental health, ensuring there are no underlying issues like cavities or gum disease. The desired shade of whiteness is discussed, and the most suitable method is recommended.
  2. Cleaning: Before the actual whitening, a professional cleaning is performed to remove plaque and surface stains, prepping the teeth for treatment.
  3. Protection: The gums are shielded using a protective gel or rubber shield. This step is crucial to prevent any irritation from the whitening agent.
  4. Application: A whitening agent, typically hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, is then applied to the teeth. This agent penetrates the enamel, breaking down discolored molecules.
  5. Activation: In in-office treatments, a special light or laser might be used to activate and accelerate the whitening agent.
  6. Rinsing: After a specified duration, usually between 30 minutes to an hour, the agent is rinsed off, revealing a noticeably whiter set of teeth.
  7. Aftercare: Patients are often advised to avoid stain-causing foods and beverages for a few days post-treatment.

This entire process, when done professionally, ensures a safer and more effective result, gifting you with a radiant smile.

Best Doctor for Tooth Whitening in Turkey

Considering tooth whitening in Turkey? Look no further than its premier clinics in cities like Istanbul and Antalya. Dr. Fikri Can Ayık is a leading expert in this field, offering top-tier tooth whitening services at competitive prices.

Pondering over “tooth whitening cost in Turkey”? The price of just £175 has placed Turkey at the forefront of dental tourism. A gleaming smile is a game-changer for self-esteem and first impressions. Turkey’s tooth whitening services have received accolades for both excellence and cost-effectiveness.

Offering transformative results at unmatched prices, Turkey truly stands out for dental beautification. Choose Dr. Fikri Can Ayık at Celyxmed for your tooth whitening procedure and experience exceptional dental care that will leave your smile brighter and more confident.

Turkey offers a range of teeth whitening treatments, including:

  1. Laser Teeth Whitening: A fast and effective method where a whitening agent, usually hydrogen peroxide, is applied to the teeth. Then, a laser is used to activate the agent, speeding up the whitening process. The results are often immediate and long-lasting.
  2. Dental Veneers: These are thin shells made from porcelain or composite material. They are custom-made and cemented to the front side of the tooth. Besides improving the tooth’s appearance, they also offer protection.
  3. Home Teeth Whitening: Many dental clinics in Turkey provide take-home kits for patients. These usually contain teeth whitening products like gels with hydrogen peroxide, which are applied using custom-made trays.

Teeth Whitening Costs in Turkey

Turkey is becoming a hotspot for dental treatments, especially for cosmetic dentistry, due to the affordable prices it offers. The average teeth whitening price in Turkey is around £175. However, depending on the clinic and the specific treatment you choose, prices can range between £100 and £300. Celyxmed Dental Clinic, for instance, is one among many renowned dental clinics in the country. It's always advised to reach out to such clinics or their medical consultants for detailed information.

Choosing the Right Dental Clinic in Turkey

When considering teeth whitening in Turkey, selecting the right dental clinic is of utmost importance. Here's what you should look for:

  1. Reputation: Research reviews and testimonials to gauge the reputation of the clinic.
  2. Qualifications: Ensure the dentist in Turkey you choose is well-qualified and experienced.
  3. Equipment and Technology: Modern equipment can make the teeth whitening process more effective and comfortable.
  4. Prices: While affordable prices are appealing, don't sacrifice quality for cost. Ensure you're getting good value for your money.

Side Effects and Aftercare

Like all dental procedures, teeth whitening can have some side effects, especially if not done correctly:

  1. Tooth Sensitivity: Some people might experience increased sensitivity after the treatment. This is usually temporary and goes away with time.
  2. Gum Irritation: The whitening agent can sometimes irritate the gums. Using the right concentration of hydrogen peroxide and ensuring it doesn’t stay on the gums for long can help prevent this.

For aftercare:

  • Avoid stain-causing food and beverages for a few days.
  • Maintain good dental care routines, including regular brushing and flossing.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for check-ups.


Teeth whitening in Turkey offers an opportunity for individuals to regain their confident smile without breaking the bank. With its state-of-the-art dental clinics, experienced dentists, and affordable prices, Turkey stands out as a leading destination for cosmetic dental treatments. Always do thorough research and make informed decisions to get the best out of your teeth whitening experience in Turkey.

Tooth Whitening in Turkey: An Affordable Path to a Brighter Smile

Tooth whitening has taken the world by storm. It's a quick, non-invasive way to enhance your smile and boost your confidence. And for those seeking affordable yet professional tooth whitening options, Turkey has emerged as a top destination. Here’s why.

Why Tooth Whitening in Turkey?

  1. Affordable Prices: The lure of Turkey's dental tourism lies significantly in its pricing. The average teeth whitening price in Turkey is a mere £175. In comparison to other European countries or the US, these prices can be considerably lower. And yet, while prices are a draw, the range in costs is broad. Depending on the dental clinic and the exact procedure you opt for, you might find yourself paying anywhere from £100 to £300.
  2. High-Quality Dental Clinics: Turkey's rise in dental tourism isn't just because of its cost-effectiveness. The country is home to several high-caliber dental clinics, equipped with the latest technology and led by experienced professionals. For instance, Celyxmed Dental Clinic has made a name for itself for its impeccable services. It’s always a wise move to reach out to medical consultants from such clinics for a detailed breakdown of services and prices.
  3. Tourism Opportunities: If you decide to get your teeth whitened in Turkey, you won't just be leaving with a brighter smile. Turkey is a beautiful country rich in history, culture, and cuisine. From the stunning beaches of Antalya to the historic sites in Istanbul, you can make the most of your trip.

With so many dental clinics offering tooth whitening in Turkey, how do you choose the right one?

  1. Accreditations and Certifications: Always ensure that the clinic you choose is accredited by relevant dental associations. This is a testament to their standards of service and professionalism.
  2. Reviews and Testimonials: Before settling on a clinic, look up reviews and testimonials from previous patients. This gives you a firsthand account of the services and results you can expect.
  3. Consultation: It’s essential to have a preliminary discussion with the dentist or the clinic’s consultant. This helps you understand the procedure, aftercare, and any potential side effects.
  4. Pricing: While it’s tempting to opt for the cheapest option, remember that your health and appearance are at stake. Instead of just looking at the base price, ensure that you're receiving value for your money. The focus should be on quality, safety, and then cost.

ConclusionTooth whitening in Turkey offers more than just a cosmetic fix. It's an experience that blends top-notch dental care with the joy of exploration. However, always remember that the foundation of any successful dental procedure lies in the hands of skilled professionals and state-of-the-art clinics. So, take the time to research, consult, and make an informed decision. With the right choices, you're just a trip away from flaunting a brighter, whiter smile.

Häufig gestellte Fragen zur Zahnaufhellung in der Türkei

Ziehen Sie eine Zahnaufhellung in der Türkei in Betracht? Dr. Fikri Can Ayık und das Team von Celyxmed sind hier, um Sie auf dem Weg zu einem strahlenderen, selbstbewussteren Lächeln zu begleiten. Im Folgenden finden Sie einige häufig gestellte Fragen, die Ihnen helfen sollen, sich auf das vorzubereiten, was Sie erwartet:

Wie viel kostet eine Zahnaufhellung in der Türkei?

Bei Celyxmed kostet die Zahnaufhellung nur 175 £, was eine erstklassige Behandlung zu einem außergewöhnlichen Preis garantiert.

Wer ist der beste Zahnarzt für Zahnaufhellung in der Türkei?

Dr. Fikri Can Ayık ist in der Türkei als einer der führenden Experten für Zahnaufhellung anerkannt. Seine umfassende Erfahrung und Präzision sorgen für hervorragende Ergebnisse.

Was erwartet mich bei der Zahnaufhellungsberatung?

Während der Beratung wird Dr. Ayık Ihre Ziele besprechen, Ihre Zahngesundheit beurteilen und einen individuellen Behandlungsplan erstellen, um den gewünschten Weißheitsgrad zu erreichen.

Wie lange dauert die Erholungsphase nach einer Zahnaufhellung?

Die Erholung nach einer Zahnaufhellung erfolgt in der Regel sofort, und die meisten Patienten können ihre normalen Aktivitäten sofort wieder aufnehmen. Es kann zu einer leichten Empfindlichkeit kommen, die sich jedoch in der Regel innerhalb weniger Tage legt.

Warum sollten Sie sich für Celyxmed für Ihre Zahnaufhellung in der Türkei entscheiden?

Die Erholung nach einer Zahnaufhellung erfolgt in der Regel sofort, und die meisten Patienten können ihre normalen Aktivitäten sofort wieder aufnehmen. Es kann zu einer leichten Empfindlichkeit kommen, die sich jedoch in der Regel innerhalb weniger Tage legt.

Zahnaufhellung in der Türkei – Vorher und Nachher

Ziehen Sie eine Zahnaufhellung in der Türkei in Betracht? Die Verwandlung kann wirklich bemerkenswert sein. Vor dem Eingriff haben viele Patienten mit verfärbten oder fleckigen Zähnen zu kämpfen, was sich auf ihr Selbstbewusstsein und ihr gesamtes Erscheinungsbild auswirken kann. Nach einer Zahnaufhellung bei Celyxmed, die von dem geschätzten Dr. Fikri Can Ayık durchgeführt wird, stellen Patienten oft eine deutliche Verbesserung fest. Die Zähne werden sichtbar weißer und heller, was das Gesamtbild Ihres Lächelns verbessert und das Selbstbewusstsein stärkt. Diese Verwandlung verbessert nicht nur das Aussehen, sondern auch das allgemeine Wohlbefinden und das Selbstbewusstsein. Das Engagement von Celyxmed für Spitzenleistungen und individuelle Betreuung stellt sicher, dass jeder Patient das gewünschte Ergebnis erzielt, und macht den Weg zu einem strahlenden und selbstbewussten Lächeln angenehm und lohnenswert.

Charlotte W.

Nation: Vereinigtes Königreich 🇬🇧
Datum: 12.12.2023
Operation: Zahnaufhellung

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Emily J.

Nation: Vereinigte Staaten 🇺🇸
Datum: 19.01.2024
Operation: Zahnaufhellung

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Ava B.

Nation: Kanada 🇨🇦
Datum: 05.12.2023
Operation: Zahnaufhellung

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Sophia S.

Nation: Deutschland 🇩🇪
Datum: 28.01.2024
Operation: Zahnaufhellung

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Why Celyxmed?

Bariatric Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Hair Transplant, Dental Aesthetic. Celyxmed offers quality global healthcare, specialists’ expertise, academic integration, and patient satisfaction at every step. With a modern JCI-certified hospital, trusted support from arrival to departure, and 25 years experienced surgeons, we are trusted by over 10,000 consultants. Excellence is our vision.

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Our consultants highlighted Celyxmed's excellence in bariatric surgery for effective weight management, plastic surgery with innovative techniques, reliable outcomes in hair transplantation, and top-tier dental aesthetics services.

Dennis S.(🇬🇧) - Gastric Sleeve Surgery

I had Gastric Sleeve Surgery at Celyxmed and the entire process was excellent. Prof. Dr. Öge Taşçılar was superb! Now, I'm 30 kg lighter and feeling great.

Isabella C. (🇪🇸) - Tummy Tuck Surgery

Had a Tummy Tuck in Turkey with Op. Dr. Kemal Aytuğlu at Celyxmed. The whole experience was fantastic, and I'm thrilled with the results!

Maximilian W. (🇩🇪) - Dental Implant

I received dental implants at Celyxmed and the whole process was impressively smooth. The results are stunning! I'm beyond happy with my new smile.

Charlotte G. (🇬🇧) - Hollywood Smile

Got a Hollywood Smile at Celyxmed. The process was smooth, and I'm absolutely thrilled with my radiant new smile!

James C. (🇺🇸) - Hair Transplant

I had a hair transplant at Celyxmed and the entire process was incredibly smooth. I'm absolutely thrilled with the full, natural-looking results!


Verändern Sie Ihr Leben mit Zahnaufhellung in der Türkei

Dr. Fikri Can Ayık hat in Istanbul, Türkei, mit seinen fachkundigen Zahnaufhellungsverfahren Leben verändert. In einer Stadt, die für ihre Mischung aus reicher Geschichte und fortschrittlichen medizinischen Verfahren bekannt ist, haben die geschickten Techniken von Dr. Ayık unzähligen Patienten zu einem helleren, selbstbewussteren Lächeln verholfen. Sie fragen sich: „Wie viel kostet eine Zahnaufhellung in der Türkei?“ Unser umfassendes Paket kostet nur 175 £ und bietet Ihnen erstklassige Behandlung ohne versteckte Gebühren. Viele internationale Patienten denken über ihre transformierende Erfahrung in Istanbul nach und wünschen sich oft, sie hätten sich früher dafür entschieden. Entscheiden Sie sich für Zahnaufhellung bei Celyxmed mit Dr. Fikri Can Ayık: Begeben Sie sich auf eine maßgeschneiderte Reise zu einem strahlenden und verjüngten Lächeln, das sowohl Ihr Aussehen als auch Ihr Selbstwertgefühl verbessert.

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Vertrauen von mehr als 10.000+ Beratern

Beste Zahnklinik in der Türkei für Zahnaufhellung

Für alle, die die beste Zahnklinik in der Türkei für Zahnaufhellung suchen, ist Celyxmed die erste Wahl. Celyxmed ist für seine hochmodernen Einrichtungen bekannt und wird von dem angesehenen Dr. Fikri Can Ayık geleitet. Celyxmed bietet beispiellose Fachkompetenz bei Zahnaufhellungsverfahren. Mit einem wettbewerbsfähigen Preis von nur 175 £ bietet Celyxmed erstklassige Pflege ohne versteckte Gebühren. Die langjährige Erfahrung und Präzision von Dr. Ayık garantieren außergewöhnliche Ergebnisse und machen Celyxmed zum bevorzugten Ziel für Zahnaufhellungen in der Türkei. Vertrauen Sie Celyxmed bei Ihrer Zahnaufhellung und erleben Sie die höchsten Standards in der Zahnmedizin und Zahnaufhellung in der Türkei.

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